


















“黑暗料理”的英文:street food


1、Organic Food?有机食品

2、junk food?垃圾食品?

3、food poisoning?[内科]?食物中毒?

food 读法? 英 [fu?d] 美 [fu?d]?



Studies have repeatedly found unacceptably high levels of harmful bacteria in street food products.?


扩展资料 food的近义词:provisions

provisions 读法? 英?[pr?'vi?n]


1、lay up provisions?贮备食品

2、run out of provisions?用光食品

3、canned〔tinned〕 provisions?罐头食品


provisions, diet, food这组词都有“食物”的意思,其区别是:





First, salt system class food

representative: Pickled cabbage, brined vegetable, salty egg, salt meat ......

Trash label:

1. One of including three big careinogens: Nitrite

2. Easy to multiply microorganism 3 in the salt system process

. The influence mucous membrane system, is easy ulcer and the inflammation, is harmful to the stomach

This kind of food includes the massive salts, pickles in the system to be able to produce the nitrite, after but the nitrite enters the human body to be able to form the nitrosamine, this is one kind of very strong carcinogen.Salt system food in the salt system process, often by the microbial contamination, easy to be created oral cavity ulcer, the rhinopharyngitis, is harmful to the stomach, the multi-salts also easy to create hypertension.

Second, fries in oil kind of food

representative: Cruller, oil cake, potato piece ......

Trash label:

1. causes the cardiovascular disease prime culprit

2. contains the carcinogen: After the acrylic amide (2 levelsof pollution --- approaches waste gas which automobile discharges)(carbohydrate and so on potato piece fries in oil)

3. high temperature processes destruction vitamin, causes theprotein denaturation, fries in the burnt dried shark skin to includethe benzene and 芘

In the cruller includes to the human body harmful matter -potassium alum. The potassium alum is one kind contains the aluminumthe inorganic substance, after can produces by the human bodyabsorption to the cerebrum and the nerve cell poisons, makes thememory to drop, to be despondent and is agitated, causes thecardiovascular disease. Fries in oil in food in the oil repeatedly useprocess to be able to produce the peroxidation fat careinogen.

3. The high temperature process destruction Vitamin, causes the protein denaturation, fries in the burnt dried shark skin to include the benzene and pi

in the cruller includes to the human body harmful material - - potassium alum.The potassium alum is one kind including the aluminum inorganic substance, after can produces by the human body absorption to the cerebrum and the nerve cell poisons, causes the memory to drop, despondent and is agitated, causes cardiovascular disease.Fries in oil in food in the oil repeatedly use process to be able to produce the peroxidation fat careinogen.

Third, processing meats food

representative: The smoked meat, the cured meat, the dried meat, the fish do, the sausage ......

Trash label:

1. The salt causes hypertension, pharyngeal cancer, the kidney burden overweight

2. Including the massive antiseptics, increases the stain and so on to fill in adds the medicinal preparation

excessively to be many edible can create the damage to the liver

Fourth, the soft drink, may happy kind of drink

representative: The soft drink, may happy ......

Trash label:

1. Including phosphoric acid, carbonic acid: Takes away in the human body the massive calcium

2. The sugar content excessively is high: After drinks has the full feeling, affects the full meal

soft drink is one kind the drinks which by the spice, the pigment, the carbon dioxide carbon hydration becomes, including the massive carbonic acid, can carry off in vivo massive calcium; The sugar content excessively is high, surpasses the human body normal need; After drinks has the full feeling, affects the full meal.

Fifth, biscuit, candy class food

representative: Biscuit, candy ......

Trash label:

1. The flavoring essence and the pigment excessively are many, easy to damage liver

2. The quantity of heat excessively are many, nutrition ingredient low

3. Excessively takes in the sugar to be able to cause the pancreas burden to be overweight, easy to cause diabetes

to be possible to choose the low baking and the entire wheat biscuit, eats when the biscuit drinks a water, reduces the amount of radiation.

Sixth, convenience class food

On behalf of: Instant noodle, convenient rice noodle... ...

Trash label:

1. salinity excessively high, contain the antiseptic, the essence, iseasy to damage the liver

2. the quantity of heat, does not have the nutrition

Convenience class food nutrient too monotonous, absorbsobviously to the trace element is insufficient, creates the nutritionnot to be imbalanced. Blends flavors a package of center monosodiumglutamate, the salt excessively are many; The vegetablesvegetable-stuffed steamed bun nearly does not have any nutrition;Contains the antiseptic. Besides may appease hunger, nearly nonutrition function.

Seventh, canned food class food

On behalf of: Canned fruit, fish, meat canned food... ...

Trash label:

1. destructions vitamins, cause the protein denaturation

2. quantity of heats excessively many, the nutrition ingredientis low

3. is polluted with the aluminum tin contact, easily old agedementia

In the canned food processing the vitamin nearly completelydestroys, contains the sugar, the salt excessively high, quantity ofheat excessively many, the nutrition is low. The meats are fairlygood.

Eighth, speech plum, dry fruit class food

representative: Candied and preserved fruit, speech plum, dry fruit ......

Trash label:

1. Including nitrite

2. The salinity excessively is high, including antiseptic, essence---In the damage

liver processing process, in the fruit contains Vitamin C to destroy completely; Besides the quantity of heat, does not have other nutritions nearly.Increases the massive essences, the antiseptic, is disadvantageous to the health.The speech plum is salt-bearing excessively high, for a long time takes in can induce hypertension.

Ninth, bakes kind of food

representative: Skewered mutton, tappasaki ......

Trash label:

1. Including massive triphenyl four third pyrrole _ three big head of carcinogen

2. Causes the protein carbonization denaturation

In the shashlik includes triphenyl four third pyrrole, this kind of compound enters the stomach after food, with the gastric mucosa contact, constitutes the stomach cancer morbidity dangerous factor.Smokes when roasts the meat, the very many processing condition and the environment limit, the meat string is not ripe, the bacterium, the parasite excessively are many, can aggravate the liver burden.

Roasts the chicken leg to be equal to 60 cigarettes the toxin.

Tenth, freezing sweets class food

representative: Ice cream, popsicle ......

垃圾食物,OUT! 大家都知道小朋友垃圾食物吃太多对身体不好,但是妈咪们更要小心的是垃圾食物也会让孩子变笨喔!吃的频率越多,对智商的影响越大,所以宝宝从吃副食品开始,就要注意避免垃圾食物可能带来的危害。 什么是垃圾食物?

马偕纪念医院营养课蔡一贤课长表示,垃圾食物英文为Junk Food,是指高热量、好吃,但是不具身体所需营养素的食物,例如洋芋片、珍珠奶茶等,加拿大则认为可把垃圾食物定义为致病性食物(Pathogenic Food),意指容易致病的食物。如果更精确去定义,可以说垃圾食物是高饱和脂肪酸、高反式脂肪酸、高钠、高单糖类、高果糖类,而且纤维量很低的食物。






垃圾食物,OUT! 常吃垃圾食物,孩子容易过动



垃圾食物,OUT! 一周吃三次就有危害


陈纹慧组长表示,小朋友热爱吃垃圾食物,家长要负大部分责任,尤其很多家庭或父母本身就爱吃,加上小孩子不会判断或节制,而且垃圾食物口味重,一吃便容易上瘾,若未加以注意或关心,小朋友很可能一有钱就买,甚至家长会买给孩子吃,因此而养成习惯,习惯一养成,想在短时间内戒除,会有一定的困难。这在实验中已被证实,垃圾食物会 *** 脑部分泌较多的多巴胺(神经传导物质),会产生快乐满足感,就像一样容易上瘾,而且不易戒除,但是仍然要想办法慢慢戒掉。

垃圾食物,OUT! 改变习惯,要从家长、学校等各方面一起配合




垃圾食物,OUT! 采渐进式戒除垃圾食物,并教导正确饮食观念





垃圾食物,OUT! 选择健康食物取代垃圾食物




蔡一贤课长 学历:台北医学大学保健营养学系硕士 经历:马偕纪念医院淡水院区营养课课长 现任:马偕纪念医院台北院区营养课课长、营养师公会全国联合会理事

陈纹慧 现任:彰化基督教医院基鹿基分院营养组组长、中华民国糖尿病卫教学会副秘书长、彰化县营养师公会监事 经历:彰化基督教医院膳食管理组组长、彰化基督教医院临床营养师